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Does It Matter Where I Apply For A Credit Card At?

By • May 27th, 2009 • Category: Credit

When searching for a new credit card you have a couple options to take. The local bank would appreciate your business as would a major credit card company. Before you get into a application you need to think about a couple things. Taking the time to find the right credit card can save you a lot of grief in the future.

Do you have already have accounts like a car loan, mortgage, or checking account with a bank already? If you do then maybe you should apply with them. This way it makes it easier to keep all of your finances with one bank instead of a bunch of different ones. When you do this it becomes easier to transfer money between accounts to pay monthly bills. Calling customer service is much easier because now they have all of your info in front of them making it easier to answer your questions.

Most people have accounts with different banks already. Smaller companies need your business and will provide better customer service. Rates at small companies might be higher but a quick call to customer service can probably change that. Every customer needs to be taken care of at a small company because they need you. Customer service at a smaller company is usually better as they do not have to deal with as many clients as big banks.

If it is options that you want then you will want to apply with a major card company. Some big banks have so many credit cards it might take you an hour to choose from all of them. You are bound to find at least one credit card that will fit your needs. The customer service might not be as good as a smaller bank but you can get what you want as they are competing against other large banks for your business.

Going with a big or small credit card companies will not matter if you take the time needed to find the right card. Do not rush into a credit card application without thinking if the rewards program or company you are working with is going to be able to take care of you into the future. 

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