How to Save Money with Coupons and Vouchers

By • Jun 26th, 2012 • Category: Personal Finance

Like everything else, the price of grocery shopping is on the rise but there are still savings that can be made. If you are trying to cut costs on the weekly shop, coupon clipping and discount vouchers are a great way to get the most from your money without feeling the pinch.

First things first, get organised. It’s all well and good diligently cutting out the coupons but if they are likely to spend eternity rolling around your handbag, you might as well have not bothered.

Start by scouring magazines, the internet and direct mailers for great deals. If you get a coupon, don’t just automatically reach for the bin; store it safely to be used when you head to the supermarket. The best way to organise your coupons is by Filofax, using dividers to separate fruit, vegetables, dairy and frozen food, from cleaning products, toiletries and general supplies. This way, you can find exactly the coupon you need, when you need it.

Plan your meals

Instead of just hitting the shops and filling your trolley with “special offers”, make a food planner. This level of organisation means 6870888815 24c39c51f3 m How to Save Money with Coupons and Vouchersyou will only buy the produce you need, which reduces the amount you pay out each week and food wastage, too.

Flick through your Filofax to check for great deals and meal inspirations but don’t get carried away. If you have a coupon for a branded product, chances are the supermarket brands will still be cheaper, so make a concerted effort to get to know prices. You can always check online if needs be.

Write a list and stick to it

After you’ve made your meal plan, write your shopping list and stick to it – marking down every opportunity to use a voucher. Supermarket shopping is often a hectic experience and many people become forgetful in the mayhem so be well-organised and prepared for the melee.

To save money and give yourself more time to think, why not shop online? The peace and quiet of the living room affords you the luxury to budget more effectively and you can still type in some voucher codes to get the discount. Remember, there is usually a cost for the delivery of your shopping but ask yourself whether you would spend this couple of pounds in petrol or public transport anyway.

Look out for supermarket saving schemes, join clubs and pick up the free mini-magazines supermarkets offer at the checkouts. When you join clubs, some supermarkets will send you vouchers which relate to your general buying habits. It is absolutely imperative that you only use the discount vouchers for the items you would usually purchase. Otherwise, you may find yourself spending more cash than you had bargained for on lots of items you don’t need.

But the most important thing to remember with voucher shopping is to plan, plan and then plan some more. Don’t be sucked in by unnecessary items and don’t leave your coupons festering worthlessly at the bottom of a bag somewhere. There may even be instances where you can double up a manufacturer’s deal with a supermarket one, for twice the savings.

This guest article was written on behalf of IVA Expert (visit website), by Francesca, a writer from the UK with an interest in personal finance and money saving tips.

 How to Save Money with Coupons and Vouchers
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