A Few Quick And Easy Money Saving Tips To Help You In Through The Recession
By FinanceGuru • Mar 7th, 2009 • Category: Personal Finance
If you are searching for some ways to save some cash over this year, then here are a few essential tips of money saving pointers that you might like to consider.
Make Your Own Lunch
Do you eat your lunch in the staff canteen, or buy prepacked sandwiches from the local takeaway shop? How much is that costing you each lunchtime? Add it together over the course of a week, or even a year, and the amount is quite significant. Yet compare that to the cost of the same meals prepared at home, before you go to work. Maybe the night before throw extra pasta or rice into the pan and take the surplus to work in a Tupperware container? Cold pasta or rice dishes make a tasty meal. Or just take the easy, traditional, option and make a few sandwiches and take some fruit.
- Image via Wikipedia
Meals such as this might even allow you to take a bit more free time over your lunch hour so that you can escape outside for a walk. Add to that the fact that on the whole home prepared meals are probably a lot healthier, using a lot less salt etc, then the self prepared food might not only be cheaper, but more healthier.
Time Your Shopping
And whilst you are out in the shops buying your packed lunch, watch what time of the day you are going to the supermarket. Many will offer food that is about to become out of date at a reduced rate shortly before the end of the day. So if you time your shopping visit for late in the day, you might also be able to pick up some of your usual favourite items at a knocked down price.
Review Your Mortgage
Have you reviewed how much have you currently got borrowed in your mortgage and with the recent collapse in interest rates is your home mortgage serving you as best it can? Have a word with a local free mortgage broker who can understand your financial circumstances and ask them to compare mortgage rates for you. Is the current mortgage deal you are on the best and what would it cost to move to something cheaper? It may be cheaper for you to stay put if you have high penalty fees, but if there aren?t penalty charges or they aren?t too great, then you might find you can save yourself a tidy sum by moving to another lender. When your mortgage advisor compares top mortgage rates for you, they should also be able to look at your current mortgage to tell you how much it will cost to move.
That?s just three simple ideas to save you potentially hundreds per year and there?s more along the same lines. But if you want to reduce your outgoings easily in the short term, then you can start saving straight away with these tips.
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