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How Do I File My Taxes For Free?

By • Mar 1st, 2009 • Category: Tax

When I think about taxes it can be annoying when you see how much of what you earned goes to your Federal taxes. On top of that, you then have to pay a CPA to prepare your taxes for you or spend a great amount of your time preparing them by yourself. Do you know it’s possible to do your taxes on the net for free using simple software right on certain websites.

There are actually many websites that provide the ability to file your federal tax return free or at a minimal cost. It would be simple to go on the internet and choose the first site that offers tax filing for free. However if you conduct a search using a major search engine like Google, Yahoo, or MSN Live, you’ll be able to find quite a few options. Before you make a selection, it would be worth your time to evaluate your online tax filing service by ensuring they are providing all of things that meet your needs. That being said, FreeTaxUSA provides one of the greatest options available for someone looking for a quick and easy solution.

If you think you will have an AGI of less than $56,000, than Free Tax USA may be perfect for you. Of course, you probably won’t know until you try the software. If you have a small business and file Schedule C income usually, FreeTax USA can take care of that as well. In fact they can pretty much handle any situation unless it’s really complex or if you are trying to file a corporate return, in which case you find alternative online that are just as helpful.

The important thing to remember is that tax software acts just like the accounting professional you normally pay for. But of course the software isn’t on the clock. You can work at your own pace whenever you want to work. Just set yourself up with all your tax documents and start entering in the information as requested. It is able to gather all the information it needs by using a great natural question and answer type of date gathering technique.

The wonderful part about the software is that it will even go one step further and offer suggestions on deductibles and tax credits that you might otherwise have missed out on. After you have everything in place, you will submit it. You are also able file your state tax return in no time flat for an additional fee of $9.95. Since you have entered your information already for the federal return you are able to complete the state return in half the time as the federal one. FreeTaxUSA will then send a sealed e-file to the Internal Revenue Service and your state revenue department. You will soon receive confirmation emails and once that occurs you should be all finished for 2008.

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 How Do I File My Taxes For Free?
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  1. Estimated taxes – planning for 2nd quarter Alternative Minimum Tax payments due June 15 The second quarter for estimated tax purposes actually is a bit of a misnomer. The “quarter” consists of taxes for the months of April and May alone, unlike a normal three-month quarter. In any event, these estimated taxes must be paid by next ….

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