Some Simple Cost Cutting Tips For Your Monthly Outgoings

By • Feb 28th, 2009 • Category: Budget

If you are looking for some quick and easy ways to save some cash this year, then here are a few tips of money saving pointers that you might like to consider for your own finances.

Mobile Phones

202px Several mobile phones Some Simple Cost Cutting Tips For Your Monthly Outgoings
Image via Wikipedia

Have you reviewed what you are spending on your mobile phone recently? Do you have a package offering you over 2,000,000 free texts and 500 hours of free phone calls each month that you don?t use fully? OK, a huge exaggeration, but how many free minutes and texts are attached to your mobile phone bill? Because the shocking news is that they are not really free. You are paying for the honour of not using them in your monthly tariff. If you are not using all of your inclusive texts and all of your inclusive free minutes then you need to speak openly to your network provider, tell them how many texts you actually need and how many minutes you use a month and see what tariff you should actually be on and it should be lower. In fact running a careful review might show you that a few paid texts and minutes would do less harm, you just need to text less and speak shorter.

Utilities Bills
Energy prices are on a roller coaster at the moment. They shot up a few months ago and have now come down again recently, but only slightly? But has your energy supplier given you the full benefit of the price cuts or have you been left high and dry and paying a lot more than you should do? Have a look around, maybe use a comparison website to see what you could be paying if you moved elsewhere.

Review Your Borrowing
How much have you currently got borrowed in your mortgage and with the recent collapse in mortgage interest rates is your mortgage serving you as best it can? Have a quick word with a local mortgage broker who can understand your financial circumstances and ask them to compare all mortgage rates for you. Is the current mortgage deal you are on the best available to you and what would it cost to move to something cheaper? It may be cheaper for you to stay put if you have high exit penalty charges, but if there aren?t penalty fee or they aren?t too great, then you might save yourself a tidy sum by moving to another lender. When your mortgage advisor compares mortgage rates for you, they should also be able to look at your current mortgage to tell you how much it will cost to move.

That?s just three quick and simple ideas to save you potentially loads of cash each year. If you want to save some easy money in the short term, then you can start saving straight away.

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 Some Simple Cost Cutting Tips For Your Monthly Outgoings
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