Some Simple Cost Cutting Tips To Help You In Get By In The Recession
By FinanceGuru • Mar 3rd, 2009 • Category: Personal FinanceIf you are looking for some ways to save some decent amount of cash over this year, then here are a few tips of simple money saving pointers that you might like to consider for your own finances.
Watch Where You Shop
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Recently it has been thought by many that the big supermarkets have been far cheaper than the traditional corner stores, but I have been noticing recently that with prices going up in supermarkets, the smaller local shops aren?t following the price rises as much. Take a note of how much you are paying for regular items such as meat and vegetables and then try visiting small local shops and farm shops. An extra benefit that I have also noticed is that the local stores can quite often provide better quality produce and a much friendlier service.
Look Out For Special Offers
Keep an eye out on national and local papers for coupons. Watch for special coupons in magazines, on products and fliers through the door and look at the shelves to see what is on special offer. But the important trick here is to buy those products on offer that you would normally buy as part of your weekly shopping, rather than on offer that you would not normally buy. And if a product is on offer that you would regularly buy, look at how long it will last for. Then consider buying as many as you might reasonably use in that time span.
Review Your Borrowing
How much have you currently got borrowed in your mortgage and with the recent collapse in interest rates is your mortgage serving you as best it can? Have a quick word with a local mortgage broker who can understand your financial circumstances and ask them to compare mortgage rates for you. Is the deal you are on the best and what would it cost to move to something cheaper on the market? It may be cheaper for you to stay put if you have high penalty charges, but if there aren?t penalty fee or they aren?t too great, then you might save yourself a tidy sum by moving. When your mortgage advisor compares mortgage rates for you, they should also be able to look at your current mortgage to tell you how much it will cost to move to a cheaper mortgage.
That?s just two simple ideas to save you potentially hundreds per year. But if you want to save some money in the short term, then you can start saving straight away.
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