Trouble Getting A Credit Card? Get Around Bad Credit Woes?
By Guest • Apr 6th, 2009 • Category: CreditThere is hope for you if you don’t have credit or your credit gets damaged. Many people believe that they just have to wait it out.You can get back to a good credit standing.
Most people don’t give much thought to the importance of credit until they need it.Does bad credit keep you from getting a credit card at a decent rate. Most people want to pay their bills, and remain in good credit standing. Nobody wants to be seen as a deadbeat to the credit card companies, but because of a couple of tight financial situations in the past they cannot get approval for a credit card.You can get around this.
There are a few companies out there that understand your situation, and want to help you to obtain a better credit rating.So these companies offer secured credit cards.Most companies offer secured credit cards that require you to deposit money to get credit. You can use your card just like any credit card, but your purchases are limited to your deposited amount, (similar to a debit card). Before applying for a secured credit card you must make sure that the card reports to the major credit reporting agencies. If they do not report then that card is nothing better than a glorified debit card. In extremely simplified terms when a secured card sends reports to the major credit reporting agencies they are showing that you are paying off your debits, and you are less of a credit risk.
This is how these cards work. On the surface it works just like a debit card. Let’s say you made a $200 deposit to your secured credit card.So then you go to the store and make a $20 purchase.Reducing your account almost immediately by $20 to $180. The key to these cards is when the credit card company goes to report your information to the major credit reporting agencies, (the better secured card companies will report monthly).The reporting agency is notified by the credit card company that you have made a $20 purchase and paid your bill.The reporting agency sees that you are making good on your charges. This is a sign of a good borrower.Reporting agencies see that you are less of a risk and bump up your credit score.Eventually, other credit card companies will more readily accept you for traditional credit cards.
It may not have taken long to fall victim to bad credit but repairing it can be time consuming.Many things factor into your credit score, but you can do this yourself.For many people, obtaining a secured credit card is the first step to repairing damaged credit.Though your credit score will increase, don’t expect it to reach the 700’s.This will take some time.
Be sure to read and understand the terms and conditions before applying for any credit card.
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