Ways to Cut Your Energy Bills to Save Money

By • Oct 30th, 2012 • Category: Budget

Ever increasing prices have caused many consumers to wonder how they can lower their energy bills and save money. British Gas is set to increase their prices by as much as 16% in November and Scottish and Southern energy plans to add an additional 9% to their costs. This leaves consumers with worries of how they are going to effectively and affordably warm their homes during the upcoming winter months. If you are looking for ways that you can cut your energy bills and save money, here are a few things that you can try:

Turn down the heat. By simply reducing your home’s temperatures by 1°C, you could save up to 10% off your energy costs. This could amount to as much as £60 each year. Lowering your hot water temperatures to 60°C could also help you to save.

Replace your old boiler. Your boiler makes up for about 60% of your total energy bill each year. Of course, having a new boiler installed can be expensive but if you consider how much you can save in the long run, the installation cost is well worth it. Choose a boiler that offers an A-rating so that you know you are getting a good energy savings. By replacing an older boiler with a new, energy efficient one you could save up to £300 in the first year alone.

Monitor your usage. If you are not keeping an eye on how much energy you are using, how can you possibly know if you are saving? By monitoring your meter you can carve as much as 10% off those monthly energy bills. You can also save by changing how you pay for your energy usage. By switching to a monthly direct debit instead of paying by cheque, you could save an additional 10% or more every month.

Change energy suppliers. Finally, you can switch suppliers and get the lowest cost possible for your usage. Whether you choose the cheapest mainstream supplier or you want to look beyond these providers, you can save as much as £300 per year by changing who supplies your energy. Spend some time researching various providers and make sure that you are on a relatively inexpensive tariff.

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2012/oct/12/five-ways-cut-energy-bills

 Ways to Cut Your Energy Bills to Save Money
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